Sabtu, 24 April 2010

How to cook healthy meals

Did you know that fat is a very important nutrient? It is the source of our energy body Main. We could not live without them. The problem is that in our modern diet we eat too much fat, and we tend to eat bad fats. This leads to problems such as atherosclerosis (which can lead to heart attack or stroke), hypercholesterolemia and obesity.

If you should want to prepare a healthy meal to prevent the problems mentioned above, there are basically two things you take into account the fat in a healthy way:

* The less fat the better.
* The Vegetable fats are healthier than animal fats.

These facts lead to five rules, how to prepare healthy meals with a fat content:

1st Use fat in dimensions
2nd Choose healthy fats
3rd Choose low-fat food is
4th Choose cooking methods that use little or no fat
5th Use equipment that have little fat or not needed

1st Use fat in moderation

This is probably the most important rule for a healthy meal. The less fat you add, the better. Remember prevent the addition of oil to your cooking water for pasta from sticking together, it's not working anyway. And you do not know really need to add a lot of butter to the rice to give it a pleasant taste. Instead of using spices to add a little flavor. Think twice if you really need to add this amount of fat. If you do this not, then leave.

2nd Choose healthy fats

In most recipes, animal fats can be easily replaced by healthier vegetable oils. Use a good margarine instead of butter and a mixture of vegetable oil for all frying and roasting. Olive, canola and rapeseed oil and its derivatives are the healthiest. Olive oil also reduces levels of bad cholesterol. It is delicious with lots of vegetables (eg potatoes, grilled, fried zucchini, peppers, mushrooms and carrots) and salads.

3rd Choose low-fat food is

animal products like milk, eggs, meat included (especially beef), poultry and fish fats, mostly saturated rather unhealthy for our bodies. Processed foods and bakery products belong to this group. Cut these foods in moderate amounts, choose lean meats and eat low-fat dairy products, and larger portions of low fat foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains and grain products and legumes.

4th Choose cooking methods that use little or no fat

Frying in oil is certainly one of the unhealthy cooking methods. Instead of stir fry or cook your food in the oven that uses less oil Sun Steaming, boiling and cooking in the oven can also do without the addition of fat. It is for example a certain type of chips, specially for the baking instead of frying (It is designed, usually labeled "cooking oven chips").

5th Use equipment that requires little or no fat

Non-stick pots and pans and baking tins are a great asset to the reduced-fat or fat-free cooking, and there is a wide range available. Make sure to buy quality products that up to the promises they make (the cheapest often lose their live non-stick pretty quickly). There are also other types of cookware that has the same effect of denying the need for added, in a large, thick. A steamer is a further possibility could be examined.

Well, if you follow these five rules above, your meals contain less fat in general, and they focus on healthy fats, which means your meal together, is much healthier, and you too. Always remember that there is now little chance that you can not get enough fat. Even if you do it sparingly, as here, you will always described sufficiently. The mystery of the fat with a healthy way, as I said before: as little as possible (applies to both the fat from your food as fat and add them), and if you have to use fat and choose healthy fats .

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